2011 Homeless Vets Clothing Drive

Everybody likes free stuff, right? How would you like to see the concert at Sound Off for Veterans’ Day for free? It’s easy!

If you’re going to attend the dinner portion of the event,  you automatically have access to the concert. Dinner tickets are $20, however, and this is not what we’re talking about. Tickets to the concert after the dinner featuring local bands are $5 each.

Those who want to get into the concert for free only have to bring an item of clothing–not something you’re wearing to the event, obviously. We want everyone to stay dressed, please–to donate toward the Harrisburg YWCA’s Homeless Veterans Program. The YWCA is always in need of clothing ites for these veterans as many of them only have what’s on their back. Here are some ideas for donations:

  • Winter Coats: Winter is coming soon and these people will need something warm in order to survive. If you have a coat that is still usable that you’re not using, why not donate it?
  • Socks and underwear: The YWCA is always in need of undergarments and sock for both male and female. Why not purchase a package of underwear in any adult size as a donation?
  • Shirts and Pants: usable clothing that is not torn or shredded make good possibilities for donations. Shirts can be either long or short sleeved variety and either men’s or women’s–they need both.
  • Sweaters & Sweatshirts: Keeping warm on the street will b a challenge and a sweater or sweatshirt can make a huge difference. If you have some of these that you’re not wearing anymore and are in good condition, the YWCA can use them.

Remember, this event is honoring veterans, so what better way to show your support than by giving to those veterans who have fallen on hard times since leaving the military?