
Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is this all about?
A: Sound Off for Vets is a fundraiser to help support the Wounded Warrior Project, which assists our returning men and women serving in combat areas overseas to deal with their wartime injury or disability. They also help them re-integrate back into their communities and families. More information about the Wounded Warrior Project can be found on their web site, www.woundedwarriorproject.org.
Q: Why are you doing this?
A: Our military service members put themselves in harm’s way so we can continue to enjoy the American way of life. In some cases, these people suffer permanent physical and mental injuries that force them to make permanent changes in the way they live their lives. This event is a way to acknowledge their service, thank them for their sacrifice and raise money for the Wounded Warrior Project.

Q: Is this going to cost me anything?
A: The Veteran’s Day show is open to the public for a $5 cover charge.

The summer shows at City Island are free but we do encourage you to place a donation in one of the collections cans around the site during the event.

Q: Can I bring my kids?
A: Being it is held in a night club, the Sound Off for Veteran’s Day show is for an audience 21 and over only. In contrast, the summer shows are open and family-oriented event and we’d love to have everyone out there. This is also a great opportunity to explain to children the sacrifices our service members sometime have to make in order to protect our freedoms and keep our country safe.

Q: Can I take pictures or videos?
A: Sure! In fact, we’ll have a spot online where you can upload your photos or videos of the event for our photo and video archive.

Q: This sounds like a really cool event! Can I help?
A: Sure! We’ll need lots of people to make sure this is a successful event. Just contact Chris (nelsoncl36@hotmail.com ) or Ric (ric@33Dimensions.com) for the details.

Q: How can my club/church/organization make a donation?
A: Contact us to make a donation or use the ‘make a donation’ button on this web site.

Q: I can’t make the event, but I want to make a donation. How can I do that?
A: Contact us to make arrangements or use the ‘make a donation’ button on this web site.