May 19th Sound Off Concert

by Sound Off for Vets

Preparations have begun, setting the stage for the 2012 Sound Off for Vets concert which will be held on May 19th at City Island in Harrisburg, PA. The show, which will run from Noon to 4 pm, will once again raise money for the Wounded Warrior Project and also hopes to elevate the importance of supporting these combat-wounded men and women in the face of these conflicts in the Middle East coming to an end.

This year, Sound Off is providing the musical entertainment for the annual Armed Forces Day celebration. This means the performers will be using the main stage and hope to gain a larger audience. This also means that they will be performing in the parking lot area instead of by the riverfront, as they had done in years past.

One significant change this year is the length of the concert. In years past, the shows have been able to feature a multitude of musical acts. This year, due to a previously scheduled Harrisburg Senators baseball game, the show must end at 4 pm this year in order to accommodate the ball game.

Sound Off has been able to raise over $1,500 for the Wounded Warrior Project since it began holding these concerts in 2010. This year, the goal is to raise $1000 during this one event.